Same Perks Rewards

New Perks Experience

Perks Rewards members can upgrade their accounts and keep all their points. New to Perks? Sign up today and start earning rewards!

Already a Perks Advantage member? Sign In

Take Advantage of the New Features

More Offers

Enjoy exclusive Perks Advantage offers, just for members!

New Ways to Save

From digital coupons to clippable offers, saving money is as simple as a clip.

Online Account Access

Check your Perks balance and exclusive offers with ease.

How to Upgrade to Perks Advantage

*The Perks Advantage program is available at select PharmaChoice and RxHealthMed locations. Inquire with your local pharmacy for more information.

Perks Advantage

Earn More When You Shop With Us

With Perks Advantage, you can enjoy an elevated rewards experience. Look forward to many of the same benefits as before, but with many new additions. From digital coupons and exclusive offers, to the ability to check your Perks balance online and more!

We aim to create an enjoyable and seamless experience for all our customers. Our team is committed to helping you easily transition to Perks Advantage.

What is the New Perks Advantage Experience?

Perks Advantage is the evolution of the Perks Rewards Program. We’ve kept the best parts of the program the same and introduced some new advantages for you to enjoy. With Perks Advantage, you can look forward to being a member of the new and elevated experience!

Perks Badge
Perks Advantage logo
15 Perks = $5
$10 Basket = 1 Perk
For Your Everyday Products
Phone # at Checkout
Swipe Card at Checkout
Check Perks Balance Online
Digital Coupons
Clippable Offers
Earn Points or Save Money
Exclusive Advantage Offers

Earn Discounts on Your Favourite Products

The quality products you deserve, with exclusive discounts you’ll absolutely love!

Everything You Need to Know

You might have some questions, which is why we have all the answers.

The Perks Advantage program was designed to maintain the best features of Perks Rewards, but with a few new upgrades added to help elevate the experience. 

Now, you can:

  • Check your Perks balance online
  • Access digital coupons
  • Enjoy clippable offers
  • Earn points and save money
  • Get exclusive Perks Advantage offers
  • And so much more!

We have great news for you! Your existing points will remain the same as you transition from Perks Rewards to the Perks Advantage program. And at full value! Once your Perks Advantage account has been successfully activated, your points will be automatically transferred over. Simple as that.

That’s the beauty of upgrading! With Perks Advantage, you get to keep all of your well-earned points and take advantage of the new features. You get it all!

Have Questions? We're Here to Help!

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